Initial Medical Behavior Evaluation
ACC places ratings on animals according to the following standards. These are NOT to be taken as gospel! It’s more important to read the comments from the volunteers who actually spend quality time with these dogs and cats.
The following is a list of color codes and descriptions that ACC uses to classify an animal’s behavior. These were taken from the Behavior Designation PDF (July 2011 issue) found on the ACC website. The full PDF can be downloaded here.
GREEN animals were relaxed, easy to handle, and who showed no concerning behavior during the exam.
BLUE animals were tense and nervous but mostly still and relatively easy to handle during the exam.
YELLOW animals were nervous, actively resisted examination, and required the use of restraint equipment or techniques, but did not exhibit aggressive behaviors during the exam.
ORANGE animals required the use of restraint techniques and/or equipment and did exhibited aggressive behaviors during the exam.
RED animals exhibited severe aggression and required the use of significant restraint and/or sedation during the exam.
Placement Status Descriptions (SAFER ratings)
ACC uses placement status abbreviations and descriptions, which are defined below. These were taken from the Behavior Designation PDF (July 2011 issue) found on the ACC website. The full PDF can be downloaded here.
(B) BEGINNER HOME: These are cats and dogs without significant concerns in their previous history, in-shelter observations, and SAFER assessments. The information available suggests that this animal is unlikely to need significant training or management and that the adopter is not likely to need specialized knowledge or experience to meet the individual animal’s needs.
(A) AVERAGE HOME: These are cats and dogs are those dogs without significant concerns in their previous history or in-shelter observations and, for dogs, who have only minor areas of concern based on the SAFER assessment observations.
(E) EXPERIENCED HOME WITH SPECIFIC COUNSELING: These are cats and dogs with some concerns in their previous history or in-shelter observations, and/or for dogs who exhibited some concerning behavior during their SAFER assessment.
(EA) EXPERIENCED HOME WITH SPECIFIC COUNSELING & NO CHILDREN: These are cats and dogs with behaviors that would preclude placement in a home with small children for safety or humane reasons.
(R) NEW HOPE PARTNER PLACEMENT ONLY: These are cats and dogs with concerns in their previous history or in-shelter observations (including a previous bite history) and/or for dogs who exhibited aggressive behavior during their SAFER assessment or could not be safely assessed. This category may also apply to animals that require training and/or behavior modification before they can be placed in a permanent home.
(NP) NOT AVAILABLE FOR PLACEMENT: Not available for placement designations may apply to those cats and dogs with serious concerns in their previous history or in-shelter observations, including severe and unpredictable aggression; a significant or damaging bite history; significant, dangerous aggression to other animals; and those who pose a significant threat to public safety.
You can read more about the behavior ratings on our Facebook page here: