Lincoln is yet another animal that was failed once she entered the NYC AC&C. The vet techs noted that she was “lumpy” and appeared to be pregnant. They recommended New Hope placement. Did the shelter reach out to their MANY rescue partners? Did they try to find a safe place for Lincoln to have her (potential) kittens? Did they do anything? The answers to those questions are NO, NO and NO. They did NOTHING. They waited for her stray hold to expire and now they will kill her tomorrow (5/18/15.)
Lincoln is NOT sick. The ONLY reason she is on the list, is because they *think* she is pregnant. She may not be. But even if she is, they are killing a perfectly healthy animal. If she is pulled tonight, the shelter will spay her and kill any (possible) kittens growing inside her anyway… so why list her at all?
The AC&C claims that they only kill animals that are “not adoptable” due to illness or temper. Last we looked, possibly being pregnant falls into neither category. What game is the shelter playing now, and why are they using poor Lincoln as their pawn?
Do not let this happen. Please share Lincoln all over and then tell the AC&C that this is NOT ok…. you can email them here:
Lincoln’s MAIN Urgent thread: