Nena – A beautiful and perfectly rated princess. Barely a year old and full of wonder, hope and love. A face that you would expect to see in a doggie calendar, not behind bars in a city shelter.
When Nena arrived at the dreaded Brooklyn “shelter,” she immediately became a favorite of all that met her. When she came down with kennel cough and found herself on the list to be destroyed, EVERYONE jumped into action. This precious pup with the adorable picture needed to be rescued. We refused to settle for anything less than a fabulous new beginning.
What a relief when Zani’s announced that they had pulled Nena! Transport was confirmed and a foster was waiting… a foster mom so happy that she was given the honor of caring for our girl. In just a few short hours, Nena would leave that “shelter” and never look back. Happy life Nena… you deserve it girl!
Today, our pretty girl Nena is stuffed in a freezer. Dead. Her body is waiting to be taken away for cremation. Is this a cruel joke? How could that be? Weren’t we just celebrating her rescue??
Many have read Nena’s story and are probably still in shock. Yes Nena was rescued… but the shelter killed her anyway. What happened between the time transport was arranged (and confirmed by the shelter) and 4:20 pm when Nena took her last breath is anyone’s guess. What we do know is that someone at the shelter made another grave mistake that cost another dog it’s life.
A good shelter, once that cares, would address the situation. They would call for an investigation and fire or suspend the guilty parties. This was a life and mistakes like this can not be undone. Nena can not be brought back. Dead is forever.
We will never know what happened. As with other past “mistakes,” the ACC will circle it’s wagons and plug (fire) any leaks. They will never own up to what they did…. they will trust that people will move on and forget. We need to make a promise to Nena today that we will never forget. As with our Palm and many others, she deserved better.
To those that think Nena is an isolated incident, you are wrong. To those that think dogs are not dying or disappearing under mysterious circumstances, again, you are wrong. Where is Billy? What happened to Mozart? Why are dogs in Brooklyn dying before their time? That is a discussion for another day but we promise it will be discussed.
For today, we will mourn Nena. A beautiful spirit… too good for the hands that were entrusted to keep her safe. When will the Mayor or Dr. Farley care enough to clean up their dirty little secret called NYC AC&C? When will they finally see that a life is worth something, even if it is “just a dog?”
RIP Nena. Our hearts are broken.